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Дипломная работа на тему: Формирующий эксперимент по использованию компьютерных технологий при обучении грамматике на среднем этапе
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Формирующий эксперимент по использованию компьютерных технологий при обучении грамматике на среднем этапе

Формирующий эксперимент по использованию компьютерных технологий при обучении грамматике на среднем этапе .doc

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Для повышения уровня владения грамматическими навыками учащихся на среднем этапе был проведен формирующий эксперимент.
На основе таких компьютерных технологий, как веб-квесты, электронные словари, подкасты, технология асинхронного обучения, были разработаны задания, которые учащиеся выполняли как в классе, так и дома, используя персональный компьютер и свои смартфоны. Данные технологии использовались в качестве поддержки традиционного процесса обучения учащихся на среднем этапе.
В качестве общедидактических методов применялись такие методы, как: наглядный (слайды, подкасты с демонстрацией аудио- и видеоматериалов), проблемный (создание проблемных ситуаций, использование мобильных электронных словарей), эвристический (вебквесты, QR-коды). Наиболее эффективно проходили такие формы обучения учащихся, как работа в сотрудничестве и в группе.
Процесс изучения грамматики на уроках английского языка при помощи интегрирования компьютерных технологий способствовал повышению уровня познавательного интереса учащихся 9 класса. Наибольший интерес у учащихся вызвали подкасты, которые содержали популярные музыкальные видеоклипы с изучаемым грамматическим явлением.
Lesson in the 10th form « Past tenses»
Type of the lesson: generalization and consolidation of the studied material
Objectives: generalization, consolidation and enrichment of knowledge about the basic grammatical tenses.
activate the vocabulary on the topic of «character traits»;
improve oral and written language skills;
to summarize and systematize knowledge of basic grammatical tenses (Present, Past and Future Simple, Present and Past Continuous, Present and Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous), phrase to be going to;
give an initial overview of Future Continuous, Future Perfect and Past
improve the skills of correct grammatical usage in the context; Equipment: computer, projector, textbooks, handouts.
The lesson procedure:
Organizing moment:
Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. And now some of you - please, tell us what your partner told you about yourself and if you agree with that. For example, «Helen said I was shy and accurate because my writing is small and narrow. But I disagree. I am not accurate at all. My room is a complete mess.» or something like this. So, who would like to start?
Formulation of the purpose and stages of the lesson:
Today we`re going to revise and practise the main grammar tenses working in groups and pairs, organize some discussion
Individual work on the recognition of grammatical tenses:
Now, open Page 108 and look at the underlined grammatical forms and determine what these tenses are

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. So, who would like to try?
(Key:)1. is Present Simple, 2. is Present Continuous, 3. is Present Perfect, 4 .is Present Simple, 5. is going to, 6. is Present Continuous, 7. and 8. is Present Perfect, is Present Perfect Continuous, 10. is Present Continuous, 11. is Present Simple, is Future Simple, 13. is Past Simple, 14 is Present Perfect, 15. is Future Simple16. is Present Simple, 17. is Present Perfect, 18. is Past Perfect, 19. is Past Continuous and 20. is Past Simple.
Work in groups on updating and enriching knowledge:
Let's review all the main tenses and get acquainted with some other tenses. First, let's form 3 groups: a group studying present tenses, past tenses and future tenses (Slide 1). How many tenses will each group have to study?
Slide 1.
Now divide into 3 groups so that in each group there is one person from the «present» group, one person from the «past» group and one from the «future» group. In your new groups, share your knowledge about the tenses that you are reviewing (for each person to review all the tenses). While you are discussing the material, be prepared to complete the table, taking into consideration the information that you already know, with a plus, something that is hard to understand with a question mark and something new that you did not know about with an exclamation mark. [Slide 2].
100992214206700Slide 2.
Please, Group 1, what material was familiar to you? Group 2, what was difficult, what didn`t you understand? What was new for the 3rd group?
Initial consolidation of knowledge: individual work:
Three tasks, which we are to complete. Have a look at the slides (3-5 slides).
40367120329100Slides 3-5.
And now we`re going to have a team competition (Slide 6). Each group will make up a sentence and the other team has to decide whether this sentence is correct or not.
center26605600Slide 6.
Is this sentence correct?
Summing up:
So, our lesson is over. Let`s try to make a short summary of it. What was the main input of the lesson? What knowledge did you gain?
And now I`d like you to express your impressions of the lesson continuing one of the phrases that you can see on the screen.
Slide 7.
I did not know…
The most unexpected thing was
What I liked most/least of allis …
I`d like to…
I hope…
I promise…
I gained…
Homework: Page114, Ex. 2, 3 and 4.
Игра-квест «Путешествие по модальным станциям»
Цель квеста:
контролировать уровень сформированности знаний по теме «Модальные глаголы»;
сформировать умение правильно применять модальные глаголы;
развивать мыслительные и логические навыки, самостоятельность;
повысить заинтересованность к изучению английского языка

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